Fair Housing Programs

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Piedmont Is Home
“Piedmont Is Home” is the umbrella title for City of Piedmont housing policy work, including the 2023-2031 Housing Element update, Measure A-1 funding, SB2 grant-funded new housing programs, and the Piedmont Housing Advisory Committee, representing $2.1 million in available funding for the development of more housing in Piedmont. Visit Piedmontishome.org by clicking here.

Housing Element Implementation
On February 20, 2024, the City Council held a public hearing to consider and adopt amendments to the Piedmont General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and to consider an environmental impact report and related actions. These items further implementation of the 2023-2031 6th Cycle Housing Element. The staff report is published to the City website here. Please find the staff report, attachments, and reference documents, below.

-Staff Report for February 20, 2024
-Attachment A - EIR Resolution
-Attachment B - Revised General Plan Amendments Resolution

-Attachment B - General Plan Amendments Resolution
-Attachment C - Ordinance Amending the Zoning Code
-Attachment D - Redline Edits of the Zoning Ordinance Amendments
-Attachment E - Final Environmental Impact Report
-Attachment F - Public Correspondence
-Attachment G - CalFIRE Approval 
-Attachment H - Housing Element Programs Associated with Zoning Amendments
-Attachment I - Summary List of New and Amended General Plan Policies
-Attachment J - Draft Meeting Minutes of Planning Commission, January 29, 2024


Environmental Impact Report for the 2023-2031 Housing Element Implementation Project

2023-2031 6th Cycle Housing Element

Video of Study Session and Staff Briefings at Planning Commission and City Council meetings via KCOM page of the City website

2023 Housing Element Annual Progress Report

2023 Rental Survey

Housing Element Update
On March 20, 2023, the City Council adopted the 2023-2031 6th Cycle Housing Element. The staff report and attachments are available on the City website here. Additional documents related to this important meeting are as follows:

  1. City Council Agenda Report
  2. Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element
  3. Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. Memorandum on 801 Magnolia Avenue
  4. August 1, 2022, City Council Meeting Staff Report
  5. August 1, 2022, City Council Meeting Minutes
  6. June 20, 2022, City Council Meeting Staff Report
  7. June 20, 2022, City Council Meeting Minutes
  8. June 20, 2022, City Council Meeting Summary
  9. May 12, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting Staff Report
  10. May 12, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
  11. Public Correspondence Received March 24, 2022, to November 9, 2022
  12. Fair Housing Outreach and Enforcement Report, prepared by Urban Planning Partners
  13. ABAG Technical Assistance on ADU Income Categories, June 14, 2022

New Fair Housing Programs
- The components of the new housing programs  include development of objective design standards for apartment buildings, as well as incentives to increase the production of accessory dwelling units (ADUs and JADUs) in Piedmont. On September 5, 2023, the City Council approved amendments to the City Code and the Piedmont Design Standards and Guidelines to establish objective standards for apartment buildings and pre-approved plans for ADUs that meet eligibility criteria.

Density Bonus: Discussions about multifamily housing development often will describe development potential provided by a “density bonus.” State of California law permits relaxation of some City zoning regulations for new housing developments, including but not limited to waivers of requirements for height, parking, residential density, setbacks, etc., in multifamily and mixed-use zoning districts, in return for housing units in the development that are reserved for low-income households. The Piedmont City Code already allows for a “density bonus” in accordance with State law.

Public Participation: Public comments are considered by the City’s staff and decision-making bodies, like the Planning Commission, Housing Advisory Committee, and City Council, which are made up of Piedmont residents and volunteers. Please email comments, questions, ideas, and concerns to [email protected]. This single email address will capture official public correspondence about City of Piedmont housing policy work, including the Housing Element Update, the draft new housing programs, and related efforts. See the calendar of events at:  www.piedmontishome.org.

Piedmont is Home Logo

Measure A-1 Bond

On October 18, 2021, the City Council considered the Measure A-1 Bond funding at a public meeting and directed staff to work with Alameda County staff about the deadline for Measure A-1 applications. The meeting  video is available: https://piedmont.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=3&clip_id=2426 . The staff report is available at:

On September 13, 2021, the Planning Commission considered the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the Measure A-1 Bond. Meeting video is available at https://piedmont.ca.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=13659823&pageId=14122987

Links to the Planning Commission staff report, presentation, and public correspondence are available here:
Measure A1 Update Planning Commission Briefing 9 13 2021.pdf
September 13 2021 Measure A1 Update Presentation.pdf
Measure A1 - Correspondence 9 13 2021 Consolidated.pdf

Housing Related Projects
Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley offers a program in Piedmont to make repairs that directly improve a homeowners health, safety, and quality of life. Home repair projects over $15,000 may be eligible for loans through the Renew Alameda County (RenewAC) program, funded by Measure A1 Bond funds and administered by Habit for Humanity. Home repair projects can include Accessory Dwelling Units. Additional home repair grants are available to eligible households earning incomes 80% or less of the area median income (AMI) through CDBG-funded countywide programs from Alameda County. More information is available on the Alameda County website here. In addition, Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley offers financial assistance for repairs to eligible homeowners. More information is available here.


RenewAC Brochure--English


The City of Piedmont is part of AC Boost, a $50 million countywide down payment assistance loan program funded by Alameda County's 2016 Measure A1 Housing Bond. The program offers shared equity loans of up to $150,000 to first-time home buyers who live, work, or have been displaced from Alameda County. The program is administered by Hello Housing, a local affordable housing non-profit organization. There are also specific loan programs to help first responders and educators in our community. Learn more by clicking on the flyers below. 

AC Boost Educator Flyer
AC Boost First Responder Flyer
AC Boost General Flyer 
AC Boost Press Release 

Individuals or firms with questions are invited to contact Senior Planner Pierce Macdonald at (510) 420-3063.